Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The New Rules of Office Design

Courtesy of inc.com:

Dividers are good; cubicles are evil.  The sofa is back in business.  Natural is sexy.  Ceilings are staying raw.

Desk drawers? Check. Lockers? Check. Extra pods for overflow? Increasingly, designers are working storage options into office style. Yes, it's utilitarian, but incorporating shelves, cubbies, or bins can allow an architect a lot of flexibility in shape, style, and color. Vitra Citizen in Weil am Rhein, Germany, included flexible fabric bins for storage into its office design.

Consider it taking cubby holes one step further. Glass-paneled pods are taking the place of cubicles in newly designed offices, as is – gasp – no assigned desk space at all. At Vitra Citizen, workers can choose to sit anywhere for the day, or for the hour. Individual brightly colored nooks allow ducking away with one's laptop. And the stacked-up, layered box look at Pallotta Teamworks in Los Angeles perfectly embodies the trend Marc Kushner refers to as "boxes within boxes."

Despite the proliferation of cube-like solo spaces, a lot of office architecture is moving toward open-feeling central areas. Multi-purpose areas – part lounge, part conference-room, part café – are simple to create. And they can morph into more private spaces when a little seclusion is needed. Check out what architects from FLATarchitects created for the Nije Gritenije foundation: 20 workstations divided by flexible walls in a design that "can be customized and completed by the users."

**Don't forget to add artwork to define your style!  Visit us at http://www.artrentandlease.com/

For the complete article from inc.com visit: http://www.inc.com/ss/worlds-coolest-offices-2010/new-rules-of-office-design#4

Monday, November 29, 2010

Portraits and Power, an Exhibition

Portraits and Power, the exhibition at CCC Strozzina in Florence explores portraiture and contemporary representation of political, economical and social power through the works of artists. Images nowadays have the role not only to represent but also to affirm power. A chapter of the exhibition is dedicated to the representation or self-representation of members of the 'high society.' For the full story: 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

World's Coolest Offices (Creative & Functional)

From a derelict barn to an airy design studio; from a vintage
 city utility headquarters to a LEED-certified office gallery.
Meet the masters of repurposing.

Whether it’s a Shanghai skyscraper or a converted barn, workplace matters. A creative, functional office can set the tone for everything a company does. Inc.com teamed up with Architizer in a contest to find the world's best offices.

For the entire story and slide show from inc.com, visit: http://www.inc.com/worlds-coolest-offices-2010/index.html?partner=newsletter_Success
For more on artwork to make your space really cool, visit: www.artrentandlease.com - free consultation, art for rent, art leasing and art sales....professional, efficient and inexpensive!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Street Art: Ben Wilson's Chewing Gum Paintings

Art Rent and Lease loves innovative and creative art!  Check out these Chewing Gum Paintings:

Thanks to Kuriositas, our curiosity was momentarily quenched when they revealed a unique kind of street art. Imagine walking down the street and all of a sudden the gray sidewalk- once just boring slabs of concrete- turns into a canvas for mini paintings, colorful little morsels that make your day. Ben Wilson, a London based artist, is on a six year quest to turn abandoned bits of chewing gum into a collection of paintings. As Kuriositas explains, Wilson finds a piece of gum that has been around for a while (thus lacking in moisture) and heats it up with a burner. He then lacquers it, making it a more durable surface, allowing his acrylic paintings to last longer. Check out the slideshow below to see Wilson at work, and Kuriositas to read more about him.

Slideshow link:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/14/street-art-ben-wilsons-ch_n_783353.html#s182225

Thanks to the Huffington Post for this link!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

7 Ways To Show Gratitude - FULL color! Happy TG

Work of Art: Art is Whatever

Art is whatever!  Great YouTube video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tXh9PEGFCo

Whatever you want it to be, whatever you want if for.....really, whatever!  If you need art in your office, facility, building lobby.....call us for a free consultation: 888-440-9260 x710

Art Rent and Lease has over 3,500 original works of art - you can rent art, lease art or purchase artwork, whatever you want - we'll help you bring the beauty of art into your space!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Innovative Office Interiors

Innovative Office Interiors

From Inc.com - innovative office interiors: bright, colorful, peaceful, quiet - what makes you happy and productive in your office?  A few carefully chosen pieces of art can help and won't break the bank.  We rent art to business clients so they can write it off as an expense while filling empty spaces!


For information on renting art, an art lease or corporate art consulting, give us a call at (888) 440-9260 x710 - your initial consultation is always free!

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Design a Great Small Office

GARAGE WITH A CONFERENCE ROOM: With 2,700 square feet for seven full-time employees, 2fORM's owner, Richard Shugar, has managed to create a balance of open and private spaces in the company's Eugene, Oregon, office.

Published on Inc.com and ASID's Eye on Design

How to Design a Great Small Office

Forget reducing clutter or hiding storage. Here's how to design a small office that will boost your bottom line.
By Eric Markowitz
Nov 7, 2010
To read the full article visit:  http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/11/how-to-design-a-great-small-office.html
And don't forget the artwork!  If you're on a tight budget, consider a tax-deductible art rental.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

CFO Guide to Art Rentals and Art Leases

You need artwork for your lobby, building, or conference room, but don't have thousands of dollars to spend.  What's your option?  To lease or rent.

The factors to consider:
Rental vs. Lease, short term vs. long term, use vs. ownership.  All good questions when considering whether to rent or lease artwork...with one exception:  Tax Deductibility.

Artwork is NOT considered a depreciable asset by the IRS, so a company that purchases artwork or leases with a purchase option CANNOT expense or depreciate the art.  See The CPA Journal on Federal Taxation for Revenue Ruling 68-232:  "a valuable and treasured art piece does not have a determinable useful life. The ruling also distinguishes between the condition of the artwork and its life. While the actual physical condition of the artwork may influence the market value placed on it, its condition will not ordinarily limit or determine the artifact's useful life. Accordingly, works of art may not be depreciated."

The solution:
An art rental CAN be expensed if structured properly.  Renting art solves two problems:  one, you need artwork and two, you have limited capital.

Why rent from Art Rent and Lease?
1. Art you rent is tax-deductible as a business expense;
2. Low up-front costs: typically just the first and last rental payment in advance plus any installation or design costs;
3. No one will know it's rented but you and your accountant;
4. Rentals allow you to rotate your artwork every so often if desired;
5. Simple rental agreement with terms from 1 week to 24 months or more;
6. No fixed purchase requirement at the end of the rental.  Your options are to continue renting on a month-to-month basis, return the artwork, or negotiate a separate purchase;
7.We make it easy by providing solutions that include help with budgeting, artwork selection, framing, installation and collection management;
8. If you need it fast, we can deliver and install anywhere in the US within days (photo shoots, movie sets, special events);
9. We're a woman-owned business established in December 2000 and have placed artwork across the US to virtually every type of industry;
10. We have thousands of original paintings and sculpture to choose from, much is eco-friendly and sustainable;

For more information on a True Art Rental, call Lisa Powell at (888) 440-9260 x710 or visit our website: http://www.artrentandlease.com/

Friday, November 19, 2010

Organizing your Materials Library, A Resource Guide for Art

Please add Art Rent and Lease to your Materials Library or Resource Guide for Artwork, sustainable products and design services, thank you!

From Research Design Connections
Organizing Materials (11-10-10)

Faller and his colleagues have developed a classification system for a material library that recognizes a material’s intangible characteristics. This schema aids in the material selection process. Their work “proposes the following classification: tangible or technical characteristics (technical properties, manufacturing process, usability and functions), intangible or subjective characteristics (perceptions, associations and emotions) and sensorial or aesthetic characteristics.” The intangible or subjective perceptions can be unique to an individual, so applying this categorization system on a firmwide basis requires adapting standardizing criteria. Categorizations can thus run from rough-smooth to classic-modern, mature-young, masculine-feminine, and formal-informal, for example.
Roberto Faller, Celso Scaletsky, and Wilson Kindlein. 2010. “Structure for a Material Information Database: A Material Selection Tool for Project Development.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion; Chicago, IL, October 2-7.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Socially Responsible Design - A Lot Harder than it Looks

Over 70% of the artwork we rent, lease and sell is eco-friendly and sustainable, utilizing recycled and reused materials, natural pigments and dyes.  Our goal is to help companies beautify their space and be socially responsible at the same time. 

Excerpt from an article featured in the ASID "Eye on Design"  from http://www.metropolismag.com/
The (Limited) Power of Good Intentions
Socially responsible design is a whole lot harder than it looks
By Julie Lasky

Unless you’ve been living in Cathay Pacific’s first-class lounge at Hong Kong Airport and reading nothing but Agatha Christie novels, you may have noticed that more architects and designers than ever are working to save the world. They want to contribute not just to a healthy economy but also to a clean, well-regulated environment and peaceful society. And they’re beating multiple paths to those ambitions: forming nonprofit companies or partaking in corporate social-responsibility initiatives, mobilizing students, partnering with NGOs, applying for foundation grants, and participating in competitions trolling for innovative ideas. They’re even moonlighting in their studios, designing emergency shelters, water purifiers, public-awareness campaigns, sustainably sourced fashion, and solar-powered stoves.

Are they spinning their wheels?

For the complete article, please visit:  http://www.metropolismag.com/story/20101020/the-limited-power-of-good-intentions

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Companes Who Care Outperform All Others

At Art Rent and Lease, we agree that companies that care not only outperform, but have happier employees and customers - we encourage the use of art that reinforces a companies goals, values and mission statement.  See this great article by Fast Company Expert Blogger Norman Wolfe

In his book Firms of Endearment, Raj Sisodia proves that success of any enterprise is built on a foundation that goes deeper than what we do and how we do it. In the FoE (Firms of Endearment) companies, terms like purpose, meaning, appreciation, joy, and yes, even love are not only acceptable, they are critical in the corporate language and culture. And they are not reserved for internal use only; they are attributes that are applied to all stakeholders--employees, customers, suppliers, investors and society.

This is not a call to embrace a new paradigm based simply on a touchy-feely justification that corporations should simply do the "right thing." This is about an in depth study of firms that have out produced their peers and the market as a whole. The publicly traded FoE companies studied returned 750% over 10 years while the S&P overall provided a 128% return. What is even more telling is that over the last 5 years, these same companies provided their investors 205% return, when the S&P lost 13%. And many of these companies are well known--Southwest Airlines, IKEA, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, The Container Store to name a few.

What gives? Why does having attributes such as caring, appreciation and love as part of the corporate culture make such a difference?

It's simple, actually. As described in The Living Organization® model, the act of producing goods and services is an act of transforming energy. The more energy you have available and the more you focus that energy, the greater the results. The attributes that are core to the corporate culture of FoE companies set a context that allows for a greater flow of energy through the system. This energy is aligned and focused by their deep sense of meaning and purpose that permeates through their whole stakeholder community.

It's not so hard to understand how this happens. Think of the various relationships you have had in your life, whether in business or personal. Think of those relationships where you felt appreciated, truly appreciated. Now compare those to relationships where you were simply having an interaction, a transaction if you will. Which one gives you more energy? Which one would your prefer having more interactions with? Now turn it around. Don't you also experience more energy when you are being appreciative of what you are doing and whom you are interacting with than if you were feeling dread about it.

Now magnify that energy to the size of a corporation who, as a collective, truly appreciates their customers, each other, and all stakeholders. How much more energy do they have available to them? How much more would customers choose these Firms of Endearment, over other choices?

When you truly think of a corporation in the same terms as other human interactions it is not so difficult to understand why FoE companies would always outperform all other traditional companies. Perhaps you should think of your organization more as a living organization rather than the traditional efficient machine of production.

We can help your "Living Organization" with beautiful, inexpensive paintings, photographs and sculpture to enhance your space.  Call us for a free consultation: 888-440-9260 x710 or text Lisa at 3609218247 for more information!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Rent or Lease Art?

Why rent or lease art?  Simple:

1)  A business can expense a rental payment on artwork
2)  Low up-front cost conserves capital
3)  No one knows it's rented but you
4)  Our consultant visits your office to view your space,
     we'll make recommendations and provide a cost
     estimate/proposal, complete installation, voila!

We have thousands of original paintings and sculpture
available from artists throughout the US, with prices from
$25 to $800 per month per painting, and groups of 6 - 8
paintings starting at $195 per month. 

We've rented art to Hedge Funds, Insurance Companies,
Banks, Law Firms, Medical and Dental Offices, Building
Managers, and more - it's simple, cost effective and always
on-time.  Call us for more information or to schedule a free
consultation: (888) 440-9260 x710

**Woman owned, established in 12/2000 with offices in
New York, Austin, Boston, Washington D.C., San Diego,
Minneapolis, Portland OR, Sacramento and Philadelphia.

Tax Law Changes Proposed in 2011 on Leases - IMPORTANT

For any business that leases property, furniture, equipment, etc. this is IMPORTANT!  The FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is proposing changes to leases that will affect your balance sheets.

Click on the link, accept the terms and download or view the PDF. 

Currently, a business puts a note in their financial statement that shows the next 12 months of lease payments coming due.  With the proposed changes, the business will need to capitalize the lease payments - in other words, show the liability.  It will affect current ratios and could impact your bank covenants, so please take a look at these proposed changes and consult your CFO, Accountant or tax advisor.

Note that we rent art and a true rental is not affected by these changes.  If you'd like more information on what constitutes a true rental versus a lease, send me an email: lisa@artrentandlease.com

Legal:  We are not tax advisers or accountants and are providing this link and these details for informational purposes only!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Color Choice a Key to a Brand's Success

Colors are a key to a brand's success, but also to your office success.  Consider color when you're redecorating, want to spruce up your home or office, need to uplift those that enter your space!

We have a large selection of colorful artwork for rent, art for lease and art for sale - prices are low, and for a business, if you rent art you can expense the rental payment - a true win-win.

Take a look at this article from Office Arrow:

The colors of a brand play a key role in how consumers will react to the product. Here are some tips to consider as you try to determine what colors to use.

Most often, consumers will interact with your product on a visual level first. This means that the wrong visual presentation can deter them from choosing your product.

Leslie Harrington, the executive director of The Color Association and a color consultant, told Inc. magazine that she advises business owners not to leave color choice up to designers alone, as the color of a brand is a business, not artistic, decision. Color choice will affect your company's overall performance either for better or worse.

Finding a color that is authentic to the message the brand communicates is key, says Harrington. Do not focus too much on what colors consumers like or what colors are trendy. Instead, make sure they connect to the brand.

Your clients and your employees are dependent on your brand - let us help you enhance your brand, your image and to bring the beauty of fine art into your space! http://www.artrentandlease.com/

Thursday, November 11, 2010

American Flag Art - Veterans Day Collage

A large scale single work of art that when viewed from one side shows an American Flag and from the other side shows Central Park in New York.  By artist Antonio Perez Melero, it measures 42" x 56" x 3" and is a collage with applied relief: acrylic, wood and silkscreen on canvas.  Available for rent, $350 per month, framed.  For a free consultation on art rentals or leasing art please call us at 888-440-9260 x710 and visit the website:  http://www.artrentandlease.com/html/Detail.asp?WorkInvNum=536&artistname=Antonio Perez-Melero&whatpage=artist

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Investing in Art

"Joy" by Francine Kohn

From CNBC.com

Art auctions have helped to raise more than $600 million for Lehman Bank’s creditors. “Inside this big organization was a very good corporate collection of contemporary art which was put together early on, in the 90s, with a continuous effort to find young art that hadn’t been discovered by the global audience,” said Tobias Meyer of Sotheby’s.

 Interested in a corporate collection with tax advantages?  Consider renting artwork.  Contact us for a free consultation, 888-440-9260 x710.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

White - a HOT color trend, use it DELIBERATELY!

Color trends 2011 for modern interiors, white hot!

Each year the Color Marketing Group or CMG convenes to forecast what will be hot for the coming year.

This is important information. Furniture manufacturers, for the most part, are trend followers and will plan their introductions and production on what is current in the marketplace.

There are always exceptions to this rule, though.

Some manufacturers are trendsetters. They have a tendency to just "go with their gut." This is the more popular approach for more contemporary furniture manufacturers because it defines who they are....being trendsetters is , well, what makes them contemporary

Inspiration for new color trends comes from a variety of sources for the CMG. They look at fashion, culture, mods, and attitudes and formally develop reports to assist manufacturers in their product development.

It is important for you to know what is "in" and what is "out" if you are in the market for furniture and accessories.

White is a color that never goes out of style. The key to using white in modern interiors is to use it VERY DELIBERATELY. Using white as a color is the trend....using white as absence of color is, well, just boring.

For help with your design project, contact us at 888-440-9260 x710!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The New York Times - Week in Culture Pictures

The Week in Culture Pictures, Nov. 5

    Saturday, November 6, 2010

    Take a Look at the Gallery Events, Art Openings this Weekend!

    A few of the thousands of events being held this weekend - get out and support the arts!

    Saturday, November 6th:

    Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Family day today: http://www.okcmoa.com/

    Chicago - Simply Chicago Art is open today from 11am to 7pm: http://www.facebook.com/SimplyChicagoArt/posts/161578857215416

    Atlanta - The High Museum of Art, interesting exhibits today!

    Dallas Museum of Art - Bite-sized BIG tours:  http://dallasmuseumofart.org/View/Self-GuidedTours/index.htm

    Dallas - The Women's Museum: http://www.thewomensmuseum.org/index.asp

    Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Free Film tonight: Trash Humpers, A Tribute to William Eggleston: Photography and Film

    Pittsburgh, PA - The Warhol Museum

    Seattle, WA - Frye Art Museum, free admission, 2 exciting events this weekend: Keller & Picasso lecture

    Washington D.C., Smithsonian, National Portrait Gallery: Elvis at 21, 2nd floor, through January 23, 2011 http://www.npg.si.edu/exhibit/exhelvis21.html

    Raleigh, NC Museum of Art:  Rodin Sculpture http://kravet.typepad.com/inspiredtalk/2010/11/rodin-sculpture-at-the-nc-museum-of-art.html Open 10 - 5 Saturday & Sunday

    New York - Whitney Museum

    Sunday, November 7th

    New York:  Liron Sissman:  My NYC artist reception 4 The American Artists Professional League is tomorrow (SUNDAY) at the Salmagundi Club, 47 5th Ave., 2 - 5 pm!

    San Francisco, de Young Museum: A screening of "The Storm That Swept Mexico" Free, 2:00 pm http://deyoung.famsf.org/deyoung/calendar/mission-muralismo-film-screening-event-storm-swept-mexico
    New York: From Vincent Romaniello's blog: http://romanblog2.blogspot.com/

    You'll have a chance to see a number of great works from Robert Rauschenberg through December 18th at Gagosian Gallery.

    Thursday, November 4, 2010

    Title Insurance on Artwork?

    From an article at http://www.artinfo.com/:

    Why is it important to have title insurance on an artwork?

    For one thing, it creates financial permanence and security in the art transaction, which can’t happen without a third-party insurance product behind it because of the way art transactions are done in the world. So, for example, just because there may be an indemnity behind a transaction, it doesn’t mean that a company will have the financial stability to provide that indemnity. So unless you have a third-party risk-transfer method, you can’t have finality to the transaction. It affects everything from your typical buying and selling and gifting to how a trust and estate attorney might create the trust and estate plan.

    The other issue is a valuation issue. Title has an effect on the economic value of a work of art, and it’s just not a credible valuation without understanding the ownership issues. If you have a piece of real estate where there are liens and encumbrances on it, nobody would buy it unless they were assured clear ownership. So it’s an application of valuation that every single asset class goes through, and up until now nobody really thought about it from an art perspective.

    From Art Rent and Lease:  If you're purchasing artwork, consider utilizing title insurance.  If you're interested in leasing or renting artwork from any our artists (never a provenance issue!), please contact us at (888) 440-9260 x710 and visit our website:  http://www.artrentandlease.com/

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    Fall Palettes of Green

    Fall Palettes of Green

    Fall is upon us and the magical transition has begun – Time to celebrate the spectacular display of fall’s warm tones.

    On tiny canvases of apples and leaves, darkening greens are melting into reds and oranges.

    Earthy greens sometimes veer to rusty oranges.

    Pink is not thought of as particularly autumnal and yet, nature sparkles with pink highlights. It enlivens the more traditional fall hues.

    The elegant and feminine combination of Living Coral and Green Woodbine, two of this season’s Pantone colors might be perfect for the little house.

    For more on colors for your space, visit us at http://www.artrentandlease.com/, or call for a free consultation: (88) 440-9260 x710. 
    Thanks to http://www.sensationalcolor.com/ for their fantastic articles on color!

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    VOTE: The Machinery of Democracy



    Presented by the Smithsonian
    National Museum of American History

    Vote: The Machinery of Democracy explores how ballots and voting systems have evolved over the years as a response to political, social, and technological change, transforming the ways in which Americans vote.

    This exhibition looks at the history of voting methods in the United States, which are as varied as the individual states and their local election districts.

    From Art Rent and Lease:  An interesting history of voting - take a look, please vote today!